Our mission is to be of service to people and the planet. Every day we strive to make an impact in the way we create our products and how we operate our business.
What We Waste
Sustainability for us starts with how committed we are to leaving the planet in better shape than we found it.
Humans are exploiting the world’s natural resources at an alarming rate and much of our consumption results in solid waste. From discarded cups, straws, and plastic bags to food containers, these stay in the environment for centuries, often after only minutes of use.
According to the EPA, Americans generated over 292.4 million tons of waste in 2018, of which over 12%, or 35 million tons, was plastic waste. That adds up to five pounds of trash per person each day.
Plastic waste that is not incinerated or illegally dumped into the oceans is put into landfills or recycled into lower quality plastic. Annually, more than 27 million tons of plastic is discarded into U.S. landfills.
Our Materials
In an effort to minimize waste, we make our products out of plant materials like sugarcane bagasse and bamboo fiber as well as sustainably harvested paper as alternatives to plastic.
Our life cycle assessment shows that bioplastics like PLA need less manufacturing energy and water and generate less waste. In contrast, petroleum-based plastics use more energy and water and emit large amounts of carbon and solid waste.
Choosing products made from plants, not petroleum, conserves oil resources and supports cleaner production while protecting our health.
Our products begin and end in the same place. Made from annually renewable resources, our products break down during composting in 3-6 months to make return to the soil - starting the process all over again.