World Centric + K-12 Schools

It's time to make your school's foodservice more sustainable

Take care of students and the planet with World Centric

With the increased demand for single use disposables to support providing meals to educators, students and administrative staff, it’s important to choose options made from plants, not petroleum.

Our products take less energy to produce, are made from plant fiber and plant-based plastics and will break down in a commercial compost facility.

Our Impact Program

By purchasing World Centric compostable products, you are supporting our impact giving! We give 25% of our profits to global grassroots social and environmental programs. With profits from 2019, our funds gave 1,578 students across the world access to a primary and secondary education through our partners SOPUDEP, Women’s Global Education Project, Global Partners for Development and Power of Love

Reduce your lunch waste

Did you know that half of all the garbage in schools is generated during just two hours — lunchtime?* In a 2019 study by World Wildlife Fund, it was estimated that schools across the US waste 530,000 tons of food each year. Add that to the 67 pounds of packaging waste per lunch that the EPA estimates schools produce every year, and the average middle school creates over 40,000 pounds of lunch waste per year. That's about the same weight as two school buses!

Help reduce your school's waste footprint with meals served on World Centric plant-based compostable foodservice ware. We've got the items you need to serve kids healthier meals and care for the planet.

The benefits of compostables

Less Energy

Manufacturing bio-based plastic from corn takes less energy than manufacturing conventional plastic from petroleum.

Less Water

Making cups from bio-based plastic uses less water than it takes to make them from foam.

Less Waste

When commercial composting is available, our products and food waste can avoid the landfill.

Less Pollution

The production of molded fiber for plates emits less CO2 pollution than the production of expanded polystyrene for foam plates.

World Centric has everything you need to make your cafeteria foodservice operations more sustainable. 

Your staff and students will give you an “A” for making the conscious choice to use sustainably-made products from World Centric to serve up their meals on- or off-campus.

  • Made from sustainably sourced, rapidly renewable plant fibers and plant-based plastic
  • Take less energy to produce and reduce greenhouse emissions
  • Compostable in commercial composting facilities*
  • Sustainability services to help your school make the switch to compostables

*Appropriate commercial composting may not be available in your area. Please check with local officials.

Learn more about compostables

Want to learn more about how we can help make your school's cafeteria more sustainable? Use this form to get more information.

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