$124,927 from profits from fiscal year 2020
In Togo, 368 women die for every 100,000 live births, and nearly 1 in 10 children will not live to see their fifth birthday. That’s 15X the rate for developed countries. The majority of these deaths are from diseases that are entirely treatable at very low costs, like malaria, diarrhea, and pneumonia. Unfortunately, Togo lacks the functioning healthcare system required to deliver effective treatments to women and children in need. Essential healthcare systems, including personnel, supplies, and training, are currently absent or insufficient throughout much of the country. As a result, 70% of Togo’s population, nearly six million people, lives without access to adequate healthcare.
The mission of Integrate Health is to make quality primary healthcare accessible to all. IH works alongside governments and the local community to implement and study an integrated approach to strengthening primary healthcare delivery in order to achieve universal health coverage. By integrating professional Community Health Workers with improved care in public clinics, IH creates a patient-centered health system that is accountable to the community and dramatically reduces mortality in resource-limited settings. This system includes four key components:
Over the last four years, IH and World Centric have created long-lasting impact for women and children in Togo by expanding to a new district each year. In July 2021, IH will expand to the final district in the Phase II expansion, the Binah district.
World Centric funding helps sustain Integrate Health's current services across the Kozah, Bassar, Dankpen, Kéran districts and to launch services in Binah district. Through all their sites, Integrate Health intends to have the following impact:
Indirect impact:
To counter climate change, IH actively works to promote health-related solutions including increasing access to and education about the benefits of family planning. Addressing population growth is one of the most important steps to addressing climate change and is a core component of our approach. In addition to promoting family planning, IH has partnered with the Climate Accountability Initiative, an alliance of NGOs committed to measuring and reducing carbon footprints. Although this process has just begun in 2021, IH will continue working with the Initiative to measure IH’s current carbon footprint, establish emissions reduction targets, and commit to reducing and offsetting IH’s footprint.
A World Centric partner since 2017.
Integrate Health (Santé Intégrée) provides HIV care and treatment services in northern Togo, West Africa, where these services were previously not available. The organization is one of the most effective healthcare delivery services operating in the country. They focus on involving community members in the dynamics of the organization, ensuring that the programs are responding directly to patient priorities.
Integrate Health was founded in 2004 in an effort to support individuals living with HIV who were fighting for their right to healthcare. This work contributed to the creation of the most effective HIV care programs in Togo. This effort led to their current work to integrate health into every community and clinic.
Tags: Impact Projects
Written by
World Centric
Read time
4 minutes
Published on
Apr 17, 2020
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